Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ultra Rando.

So I'm in the library and I'm all done with my work but SOMEBODY  wants to stay till it closes at midnight so he can hear them play U2 to wake everybody up to leave. So now I will blog to pass the time, even though I don't have anything to say. Bear with me.  

You know you have been in the library too long when Kass starts yelling at the vacuum people. We become terrors late at night. 

To pass the time, we are listening to Disney pandora and eating Hi-chews. We have been on quite the Disney kick as of late. 

Still 20 minutes till the music starts. Very bored.

So last week, we found this new awesome app game called Draw Some. Its like if Pictionary and Words With Friends had a baby. But now mine is broken for some reason and won't let me play so get to hear about all the crazy pictures people draw for eachother. I have serious Draw Something FOMO. 

Here is an awesome picture of a Grandpa from when my game worked. Side-note:  I know the letters don't spell Grandpa. Long story.

Today was Pi day. It kind of made me miss high school math. Trust me, know one is more surprised than me to hear me say those words. But they were pie-ing professors up the wazoo outside the Wilk and someone recited 900 digets of pi. That's what I experienced as I ate lunch on the grass with my friends. Pi day, BYU style. 

Wow, this is for sure the most scatterbrained thing I have ever written so hope everyone can follow. Have a good evening!

Update:  no U2 was even played. Eat your heart out Maeser.

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