Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Politics on Facebook

^^ That is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves. And with all the equal marriage hype, it has reached a new high. I'm all for people expressing their views and debating politics -- I love debating politics, like a lot actually. But not with close minded people, who just attack each other, and especially not on Facebook! 

My professor of my international politics class shared a quote with us today by President Hugh B. Brown that I really liked.

"Strive to develop a maturity of mind and emotion, and a depth of spirit which will enable you to differ with others on matters of politics without calling into question the integrity of those with whom you differ. Allow within the bounds of our definition of religious orthodoxy a variation in political belief." 

I think that says it better than any rant of mine could. Have a nice day, and as Hughie says, aim for maturity and the world will be a much more civil place. 

Monday, March 25, 2013

The Little Things.

Just got back from my tenth trip to the bathroom in about two hours. I find that when I study on campus, I position myself close to a bathroom just cuz it makes life easier #smallbladderproblems.

But today I'm grateful for the little things. I'm grateful for a reliable printer that works everyday, without me wanting to cuss it out. 

I'm grateful for tissues, and most importantly, the little pack of kleenex my mom put in my backpack when she moved me into the dorms a thousand years ago. It has come in handy today, and has save my poor little nosey from scratchy campus paper towels. 

I'm grateful for the sun for melting all the terrible snow. 

I'm grateful for music because it makes boring and down-right miserable tasks like studying for physical science bearable.

I'm grateful for good hair days and cute outfit days because NOTHING can ruin one of those. 

I'm grateful for accomplishing little goals and that keep me on track when the big ones seem so far off. It makes those huge achievements seem that  much closer, and sometimes that's all you need to get back on track. 

I couldn't choose which quote I liked best, so its a double quote kinda day :)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013


Its so easy to fall back into old habits. Some are bad, like biting my nails, that I have overcome countless times due to numerous new year's resolutions, but when I get stressed when I am studying or writing a paper, I fall back into my old ways. Some are good, like cleaning up as a go while I cook or do projects (boy, has that one been drilled in). But I am mainly thinking of school habits. I find that as I write, for all kinds of classes, I still use phrases and formats that Snyder or Martin or Weaver have taught me. I am so blessed to have had such awesome teachers that have helped me become the student and the person I am today. All those years ago, and they still have a lasting impact on me. I'm grateful for the opportunity I have to go to college and for my capable mind that enjoys analyzing and learning. 

This is what I have noticed today. That as time passes, you don't realize the changes, but looking back, everything has changed, but is the same still in the ways that little habits and characteristics reemerge and find ways back into our lives. 

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Sunday Thought

Happy St. Patrick's Day everybody! Hope everybody wore some green today. But on a more sunday centered note, I taught in relief society today. While I was preparing, I was looking for videos and decided to watch My New Life, Stephanie Nielson's story about her crash. This video is an oldie, but a goody. I have seen it a bunch of times, but I still love it and feel the spirit every time I watch it. I decided to start her memoir Heaven is Here because I have heard wonderful things about it and so far its very engaging and uplifting. Her story reminds me of when we first watched it on journey which seems like forever ago. And I hope someday I can have a cute little happy family like her. But watch the video. Its one of my favorites.