Thursday, February 23, 2012


My friends and I decided to go old school and watch Cinderella. Surprisingly, we remembered the words to every song--even the mispronunciations and gibberish for words we didn't know as kids. It was just as magical as I remember it being as a little girl. 

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Happy Wed-nes-day!

It is 55 and sunny out today. More than that there was a warm breeze. Catch that? WARM! And the grass is starting to grow back in green. We walked past a patch of it the other day and Maeser got so excited he ran over and grabbed a big handful and made us all smell it. Smells like spring :)

More about the weather:  I still can't believe I said 55 is warm. At home 55 was coat and boots weather, but here it is shorts and sandals! I am worried that I will come home in the summer and not be able to handle AZ heat because I am acclimated to the Utah cold. Anyway...

Today is officially the half-way point of the semester. This semester has flown, even faster than the last. It will be very bittersweet when it ends because I get to see my family (yay!) and it will feel nice to have a year of college under my belt, but then I won't see my college friends all summer, and for the case of most of them, two years on top of that. 

I am also in the process of patching a hole in my pants so wish me luck. I have no Mom here to fix it if I mess up.

On the more serious side, a while back I was feeling very frustrated and helpless and struggling to keep my head above water, so to speak. I found this quote on Pinterest and it reminded me that I am in control, even when it feels like I'm not and to stay focused on what I really want. I told this story so 1) everyone can know I am doing well, 2) I just really like this quote and wanted to share it, and 3) to show my mom how awesome Pinterest is so she will just get on already!!

Hope everyone's lives are going well. Everything is great up here  at Utah. Have a happy Wednesday!

Monday, February 20, 2012

Winnie the Pooh

So call me old-school, but I am hooked on Seventies music. It all started a very long time a go when I would drive with my dad in his truck and we would listen to James Taylor and John Denver. They will forever remind me of home and of my daddy. So, when I get homesick I like to listen to them as previously mentioned on this blog. But here's the catch: I don't have that many songs by either of them in my library so I decided to make a James & John Pandora (its very good, if you care to listen to it). For all you dinosaurs who don't understand Pandora, it chooses music for you based on the type of station you create. So, I ended up with a lot of seventies music. One of the songs it chose for me was House at Pooh Corner by Kenny Loggins. I love this song because it used to play on one of Lauren's lullaby CD's. It also reminded me of the Pencil and her obsessive love for all things Piglet and the little stuffed animals we would collect at Disneyland. Childhood was awesome. 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Bloom Where You Are Planted

Today one of my very best friends had his mission farewell. As I am far away in cold Utah, my parents went to fill in for me. They were telling me how great the talk was and about all my friends from home they talked to and it made me miss home so bad. And I got very excited to see them  when I go home when the semester is over in two months. Then I realized I won't see my college friends all summer and how much I will miss not spending time with them. I came to the conclusion that I am torn between two lives, and I will always be missing someone or something. Then my awesome Mother reminded me how lucky I am to such great friends and environments at home and at school and to always remember to enjoy the moments where ever I am. It does no good if I am always wishing to be somewhere else, with other people, just to turn around and wish I was back. I have always loved the quote "bloom where you are planted". I can thrive at home and at school in two completely different environments and I can love different things about them both. I am so grateful for all my friends and everyone I know at home and at school. You guys are the greatest!

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Better Late Then Pregnant!

So it's been a while. And a lot has happened. So this post might be a little bit on the spastic side... brace yourselves. I have come back to BYU for my second semester. GO COUGS! 

My family came skiing right after I came back to school and that was a lot of fun, even though there was no snow. 

The Allison. A classic.

Then it was time to sign contracts for apartments next year. AHH!! Scary right?? And somebody (Kass) thought it would be a good idea to camp out! Worst idea ever. Nobody slept because we had six girls ins a four-man tent and it was January so it was naturally freezing. I woke up--and I use that term lightly since we didn't really sleep--with frozen hair from the side of the tent. But the good news is we got our apartment! Mansion 22 baby!!

Tarleigh is legit with her head-lamp.

Don't we look so excited to camp??

Then we had a super awesome ward activity at this tubing place in Heber. It was a blast... until it started snowing when had to drive home through the canyon. I was safe in Kass's little blue bug, but we did have a couple kids spin out and crash into eachother. But still a super fun activity. 

These big events are a blast, but what makes college fun on a day to day basis are the little things. I now it sounds sappy but its true. We are just silly.

Gotta love Jordan's BYU Christmas stocking shoes!

I'm a Who from Whoville!

And about the title? I was going to write better late then never but this popped into my had from this funny thing I read on Facebook. Its little kids finishing popular sayings. Enjoy.