Thursday, April 4, 2013

Last Week I'll be a Teenager.

I turn 20 in a week from today. 20!!! I'm not ready to be that old, and to no longer be a teenager. I feel like I should have it more together and more figured out by now. But that's how its been with other milestones. I thought I would have had way more figured out when I joined young women's, and then when I started high school and turned 16 and could drive, and then when I graduated, and then when I started college. But here I am in my almost third year (yikes!!) and everything is so different than I thought it would be. I've realized that you can watch people close to you accomplish things like graduation or college and think you know how it will be for you because of how it was for them, but when you actually reach that point nothing goes the way you thought. Not to say that it still isn't great, because it so is, but when you reach those points, you aren't even as old or as mature as you thought others were. Here are some pictures I found that I just really love. Sorry about the randomness and the super paragraph. Hopefully the pictures make it better.

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