So call me old-school, but I am hooked on Seventies music. It all started a very long time a go when I would drive with my dad in his truck and we would listen to James Taylor and John Denver. They will forever remind me of home and of my daddy. So, when I get homesick I like to listen to them as previously mentioned on this blog. But here's the catch: I don't have that many songs by either of them in my library so I decided to make a James & John Pandora (its very good, if you care to listen to it). For all you dinosaurs who don't understand Pandora, it chooses music for you based on the type of station you create. So, I ended up with a lot of seventies music. One of the songs it chose for me was House at Pooh Corner by Kenny Loggins. I love this song because it used to play on one of Lauren's lullaby CD's. It also reminded me of the Pencil and her obsessive love for all things Piglet and the little stuffed animals we would collect at Disneyland. Childhood was awesome.