Sunday, March 25, 2012

Festival of Colors

 So this weekend my friends and I participated in the biggest Hindu celebration in the western hemisphere called Holi, or Festival of Colors. It is the Hindu festival to celebrate the coming of spring by throwing around colored chalk that represents the colors of spring. It was the funniest Hindu gathering I have ever been to, hands down! 

Blow by blow: crazy traffic and we end up getting there an hour later then we planned. Had to park and walk 2 miles. Bought bags of colorful chalk powder to throw at people. Chalk doesn't taste good. Very hard to breathe when "the throw" happens. Sonic is a godsend. All in all, great memories made with great people. 

Pre-holi. So clean!! 
The Throw

I love my friends and am going to miss them in 26 days when the semester is over. But we are going to have a blast in the meantime. Also, HARE KRISHNA!!!!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Sunday Best

I hate Utah wether. Today, it dropped 30 degrees and snowed. Snowed! Last week we had relief society outside and this week we ran up the hill to church in a blizzard. 

But on the upside, Elder Quentin L. Cook of the Twelve Apostles came and spoke in my ward today. It was a very special experience to be sitting so close to an apostle of the Lord and have him tell us specifically what my ward needed to hear. My favorite quote he said today was following the story of the woman in the old testament with the blood disorder who touched Jesus's robe and was healed without Jesus consciously knowing. He said "the power of prayer and the power of faith are independent of cognitive recognition." I thought that was a very insightful and comforting comment that really resinated with me that if I have enough faith in line with righteous desires, I can blessed and healed and comforted simply by having faith and praying. That's how closely those commandments and promises are tied. 

I also want my family to know how much I love them. Someone close to me lost her grandmother unexpectedly and I want to make sure that if I ever was confronted with such a situation, that I wouldn't be wondering if they knew how much I love them. Mom and Dad, thanks for the great influence and support you are in my life. Jacquelyn, I know we butt heads, but you really are a great sister and so smart and pretty. Kristen, I always say we would be friends at school if we were the same age, but in fact you would be WAY cooler than me Ms. Stu-ent Body President. Gus, I miss playing Wii and seeing you grow taller before my very eyes and I can't wait till you come up for conference. Lauren, I love you, my crazy baleelee. I know its cliche, but I really don't say these things as often as I should. Just know, I love you all very much. 

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Ultra Rando.

So I'm in the library and I'm all done with my work but SOMEBODY  wants to stay till it closes at midnight so he can hear them play U2 to wake everybody up to leave. So now I will blog to pass the time, even though I don't have anything to say. Bear with me.  

You know you have been in the library too long when Kass starts yelling at the vacuum people. We become terrors late at night. 

To pass the time, we are listening to Disney pandora and eating Hi-chews. We have been on quite the Disney kick as of late. 

Still 20 minutes till the music starts. Very bored.

So last week, we found this new awesome app game called Draw Some. Its like if Pictionary and Words With Friends had a baby. But now mine is broken for some reason and won't let me play so get to hear about all the crazy pictures people draw for eachother. I have serious Draw Something FOMO. 

Here is an awesome picture of a Grandpa from when my game worked. Side-note:  I know the letters don't spell Grandpa. Long story.

Today was Pi day. It kind of made me miss high school math. Trust me, know one is more surprised than me to hear me say those words. But they were pie-ing professors up the wazoo outside the Wilk and someone recited 900 digets of pi. That's what I experienced as I ate lunch on the grass with my friends. Pi day, BYU style. 

Wow, this is for sure the most scatterbrained thing I have ever written so hope everyone can follow. Have a good evening!

Update:  no U2 was even played. Eat your heart out Maeser.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Happy is Good.

So we realized today that we have a little more than five weeks of school left. Holy cow, where did the time go? But I can't even let myself think about the end because 1) I still have WAY too much to do before then and 2) it makes me sad. We still have too many weekends and fun times awaiting us to already be thinking about goodbyes. But in this spirit, I have decided to notice and cherish all the super fun times. Sometimes I don't realize how good I have it or how happy I am till its too late to enjoy it. Its so much better and makes me enjoy myself so much more if I notice in the middle. If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


It's been along time since I posted anything Harry Potter so I thought this video might be a nice reminder of its awesomeness. Whoever came up with this is officially a genius. And bear with it, even though the video quality kinda goes down the tubes towards the end. Enjoy!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Springtime Fun-time.

So its been crazy warm here so far this week. Like 65 degrees! (I know. I can't believe I am calling that warm either. That is straight up coat weather in Mesa!) 

My friends and I had definitely caught a serious case of spring fever and decided to go have a picnic in the park on Monday. We bought sandwich fixings from the creamery which included bread, turkey, mayonnaise, and basically plastic american singles cheese (gross, I know, but our choices are limited) and headed out. 

It was beautiful weather. The sun was shinning and there was a deliciously warm breeze blowing. Perfect sunglasses and sandals weather. And it was. First time this year I have worn either of those. Basically it just made me ache for summer to be here. I want be tan and layout and go on vacation. I can't wait.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Party Hardy

So the other weekend I went to my first ever college dance party! It was a blast. There are a lot of dance parties here so they all have there quirk to set them apart. This dance was special because it was a foam party. They had foam coming down out of soap machines hanging from the ceiling. It smelled like dish soap so Kass was in heaven. It was quite the experience. We were dancing up to our ankles in foam as more foam dropped down on us from the ceiling. I have never had so much fun with soap.

Pre-foam. And for the record we don't know the skanky girl in the front. 

So fun!

We all got a bit crazy...

We have so much fun :)