Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Springtime Fun-time.

So its been crazy warm here so far this week. Like 65 degrees! (I know. I can't believe I am calling that warm either. That is straight up coat weather in Mesa!) 

My friends and I had definitely caught a serious case of spring fever and decided to go have a picnic in the park on Monday. We bought sandwich fixings from the creamery which included bread, turkey, mayonnaise, and basically plastic american singles cheese (gross, I know, but our choices are limited) and headed out. 

It was beautiful weather. The sun was shinning and there was a deliciously warm breeze blowing. Perfect sunglasses and sandals weather. And it was. First time this year I have worn either of those. Basically it just made me ache for summer to be here. I want be tan and layout and go on vacation. I can't wait.