But today I'm grateful for the little things. I'm grateful for a reliable printer that works everyday, without me wanting to cuss it out.
I'm grateful for tissues, and most importantly, the little pack of kleenex my mom put in my backpack when she moved me into the dorms a thousand years ago. It has come in handy today, and has save my poor little nosey from scratchy campus paper towels.
I'm grateful for the sun for melting all the terrible snow.
I'm grateful for music because it makes boring and down-right miserable tasks like studying for physical science bearable.

I'm grateful for good hair days and cute outfit days because NOTHING can ruin one of those.
I'm grateful for accomplishing little goals and that keep me on track when the big ones seem so far off. It makes those huge achievements seem that much closer, and sometimes that's all you need to get back on track.
I couldn't choose which quote I liked best, so its a double quote kinda day :)
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